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Reverse Logistics 


1. Used products can be returned at a drop off at target locations

2. Target stores will then ship items to manufacturers 

3. Items will be separated into sections: ones that can be reused into new products or resold, ones that can be disassembled and turned into compost shreds, and Renewal Workshop option



     Option 1:

1. Items are disassembled so that metal/plastic/zippers/etc. are removed and can be reused or recycled

2. The compostable materials will be shredded into small strips of fabric

3. The shreds will then be shipped to cotton growing farms to be composted 

4. All farms participating in the composting program will be provided with the composting guide

5. This compost will become part of the soil that will make future cotton for our products

     Option 2: 

The second composting option is for Target to partner with Black Earth Composting in Massachusetts. Black Earth Compost has a commercial composting program where they will take in clothing to be composted, all target needs to do is send them the products that have reach the end of their life and are ready to be composted. This is a great option for Target because it provides a circular end of life option for Utility Thread with a company that Target can trust. We suggest this option of composting if Target chooses to manufacture Utility Thread products with Huston Textile Co. or if Target decided not to use their own cotton farms. 


1. Items still in good condition will be disassembled into parts that can be reused ( this included metal parts and zippers)

2. Parts of fabric will be sorted into sizes of fabric, so that they can be turned into certain products ( bags, patches, tool belts, aprons)

3. Products will be reproduced into the reuse products

4. They will then be distributed to stores

5. These products can then be repurchased by customers


Renewal Workshop Partnership

Target will form a  partnership with Renewal Workshop, who is one of the leading experts in circular design solutions for apparel companies. Renewal Workshop has a system where they collect data on products that are brought in and can give feedback to the company to help them create more durable products, as well as finding ways to make products that can be repaired and disassembled more easily. They also take in products that can not be reused and have ways of recycling the products. Another attractive feature of Renewal Workshop is that they have a water less cleaning system. Renewal Workshop will be able to take in Utility Threads lightly to medium well worn items and produce them into our ReUse item options or prepare items that can be resold and will then send these products back to Target stores; or they could potentially resell them on their website as well. This could be something that Target starts with the Utility Thread or it could be an option for a future plan where other Target clothes are accepted and renewed.



This design facilitates additional lives and uses for the Utility Thread products because these products can be reused and turned into new products that Target can then sell to customers. Target can also implement a compost project with their farmers or form a partnership with Black Earth Compost to take back shredded natural fibers from Utility Thread and turn them into soil for their crops. The farmers composting guide is shown below, where it explains the benefits of composting, and the how to's of composting. The last end of life option is to partner with Renewal Workshop to send gently used clothing that can be renewed and remade into one of our great reuse products. 


Target will need to invest in local manufacturing facilities, and help them understand ways to efficiently disassemble products and sort them into the three end of life options. Huston Textile Co. and Renewal Workshop are great partnerships that help target those goals into real possibilities. For these end of life options Target will need to invest in educating employees on how to manufacture the new reused products, as well as how to properly and safely shred compost products; if Target wants a less hands on option we suggest the Huston Textile Co. partnership for the creation of the new reuse items. Target will also need to invest in their cotton farms and the farmers education on how to compost the shredded fabrics as well as doing maintenance checks to make sure the farmers are following guidelines; if Target wants a less hands on approach to this option we suggest utilizing the Black Earth Compost opportunity. 

Farmers Composting Guide

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